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Here's a photo of a bottle of the special home-made microbrew White House Honey Ale that President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama served tonight during their annual Super Bowl party...
Brewed with one pound of honey from this year's 160-pound harvest from the White House Bee Hive, the Ale was made by an unnamed White House chef who is a home-brewing enthusiast. The President, First Lady, and their guests sampled the special suds for the first time this evening. The label on the bottle reads "Brewed With White House Honey."
To go with the Ale, the Obamas served a menu that highlighted regional favorites from both Packer and Steeler countries--er, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania:
*Deep Dish Pizza
*Buffalo Wings
*German Potato Salad
*Twice Baked Potatoes
*Snyders Potato Chips and Pretzels
*Chips and Dips
*Ice Cream
Wygląda na to, że Biały Dom jest wystarczająco samowystarczalny, by olać tę całą Amerykę - mają browar, mają pasiekę. Ameryka jednak nie daje za wygraną i na stół Prezydenckiej Pary dowozi coraz to kolejne lokalne smakołyki.
The Obamas paid for the micro-brewing equipment, so there's no impact on the national debt. More craft beer for the White House? Maybe. About 200 guests were invited to the party, including Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony, a smattering of Cabinet Secretaries and lawmakers;Ostatnia zmiana dokonana przez zgoda; 2011-02-08, 10:45.