Boston Beer, Sam Adams Utopia MMII

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    D(r)u(c)h nieuchwytny
    • 2002.01
    • 13239


    Boston Beer, Sam Adams Utopia MMII

    Może trochę to nieuczciwa zagrywka z mojej strony, bo nie piłem tego piwa. Jednak jest ono dość wyjątkowe - póki co zajawka, a może z czasem znajdzie się ktoś, kto je pił i uzupełni ten temat.

    [podane za stroną, wiadomość z 14-go lutego 2002]

    Browar: Boston Beer Co.
    Piwo: Sam Adams Utopia MMII [Millenium II?]
    Charakterystyka: 24% alkoholu (pojemnościowo) (!!!)

    Piwo jest leżakowane w beczkach po whisky, koniaku i porto przez jakieś półtora roku. W aromacie czuć "wyraźne nuty cynamonu i wanilii, z dyskretnymi akcentami kwiatowymi, owocowymi i sosnowymi." [to zdaje się cytat z producenta] Do warzenia użyto czterech gatunków szlahetnego chmielu i następujących słodów : two row, caramel i Vienna. [mam nadzieję, że fachowcy coś z tego wycisną, ja się nie znam]

    Piwo sprzedawane jest w powlekanych miedzią pojemnikach przypominających kotły browarniane. Cena sugerowana: 100 dolców.

    To co, może jakiś krezus złoży zamówienie? Albo złożymy się w parę osób - w końcu to 24%, po parę łyków wystarczy.

    Attached Files
  • Krotoszyniak
    Kapitan Lagerowej Marynarki
    • 2002.08
    • 516

    Maialem szanse zobaczyc to piwo podczas zloty Rate Beer . Cena jesli masz szanse kupic to juz ok 150 Amerykanow . Tylko 3000 ich wyprdukowano . Slodu typu Vienna dodaje sie dla dodania typowego dla Vienna piw koloru . Ciekawoska jest takze ze uzyto min. drozdzy jakich sie uzywa przy produkcji prawdziwych champagnow .
    Admin z Ratebeera
    Licencjonowany Sedzia BJCP (E0894)
    Poromotor piwnej Polski na swiat :)


    • yendras
      Major Piwnych Rewolucji
      • 2001.12
      • 2052

      Odp: Sam Adams Utopia MMII

      żąleną napisał(a)
      MMII [Millenium II?]
      Po prostu 2002.


      • grzech
        D(r)u(c)h nieuchwytny
        • 2001.04
        • 4592

        W określeniu "two row" chodzi zapewne o jeczmień dwurzędowy.


        • beny
          Kapitan Lagerowej Marynarki
          • 2001.03
          • 984

          Krotoszyniak napisał(a)
          Maialem szanse zobaczyc to piwo podczas zloty Rate Beer . Cena jesli masz szanse kupic to juz ok 150 Amerykanow .
          Chyba jednak znacznie więcej biorąc pod uwagę poniższą notke pracową:


          April 5, 2002
          By Art Golab, Sun Times Staff Reporter

          At $100 a bottle, you won't find this beer next to the 40-ouncers in the refrigerator case of your local liquor store.

          In fact, Sam Adams Utopia MMII, the costliest beer ever sold, has vanished from Chicago liquor stores a week after the limited edition brew hit the shelves.

          More similar to a fine cognac than the sudsy lager most Americans drink, it has no carbonation and is supposed to be drunk warm. It also has the highest alcohol content ever for a beer: 24 percent, or 48-proof, compared with the normal 5 percent.

          But few buyers will ever find out how much of a punch it packs, for most, it seems, bought the brew as an investment.

          With only 3,000 of the 24-ounce bottles for sale in liquor stores in 35 states, the brew vanished within a few days of hitting the shelves last week. Already, bottles have changed hands on Internet auction site eBay for as much as $330, and a similar limited edition that the Boston brewer put out in 1999 has sold for more than $1,000 a bottle.

          The latest version was so much in demand that the folks at Sam's Wines and Liquors in Chicago never got to taste it. The store got only 18 bottles, and they all were pre-sold long before arriving early last week, said Harvey Povitsky, head of the beer department. When he let his customers know the beer was here, "Everybody seemed to come for them quite quickly," he said. "But I don't know of anybody who's tasted it yet."

          Sam Adams founder Jim Koch said he wanted to break the record for not only the most expensive beer, but also for the beer with the most alcohol content. "I wanted to see what would happen if I took beer to an alcohol level it had never been to before," he said in that lilting sing-song voice familiar from his radio commercials.

          And despite the high price, "It's not a profit maker for us," Koch said. "Some of the beer was aged for seven years and to get the yeast to ferment to this level of alcohol requires a lot of baby-sitting."

          Koch has no plans, however, to make a lot of the stuff. "It's inherently not a mass-market product. There's not that many people who can appreciate something of this complexity and style."

          But he already is preparing next year's special batch in casks. "I'm shooting for something that might nudge the alcohol up over 50 proof, that's kind of my insane goal."

          As for those who've bought on speculation, "To buy something this good and not drink it, to me that's alcohol abuse," Koch said. "It's meant to enjoy. If you want an investment, buy pork bellies."

          Z piwnym pozdrowieniem
          Radosław Kwiecień

 - skop mi tyłek :P


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