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- Piemonte: Microbirrerie
- Beba
Viale Italia, 11 - 10069 Villar Perosa - Tel: 0121315755 - Fax: 0121315755
email: staff@birrabeba.it web: www.birrabeba.it
Microbrewery, producing various types of lagers: light, amber and dark, each at a standard and at a stronger gravity. The beers are available on draught at a few pubs and also bottled versions are available. They are also served at a sort of club called Ass. Cult. TRAIN ROBBER'S SYNDICATE opened Fri. Sat. Sun 20.00 - 02.00, at the same address of the brewery. The brewery itself can be visited by calling in advance; have a look at their site! - Birrificio Troll
Strada Valle Grande, 15/A - 12019 Vernante (CN) - Tel: 0171 920397
Chiuso il martedi'. Aperto tutti i giorni alle 18, la domenica alle 12.
The place, in the beautiful landsacape of Valle Grande, brews four permanent beers plus one changing seasonal. The permanent are a blanche, called "Panada", the Palanfrina ("normal" blonde), an amber ale with indian spices called "Shangri-la", and Patela (pale strong ale). Seasonals are (or will be) a saison, a Xmas ale, a chestnut and a honey beer. Barbecued meat is the restaurant's special. Review by Giacu, full text at http://snurl.com/4smd - Grado Plato
Viale Fasano,36 Bis - Chieri (TO) - Tel: 011 9473236
email: birrificio@gradoplato.it web: www.gradoplato.it
Aperto dalle 19:00 alle 01:00 (02:00 Venerdi e Sabato) Chiuso Lunedi
They brew three beers, two fixed and one seasonal. The permanent beers are a bottom fermenting Liight (4.8%) and a Red Ale (6,0%). At rotation there are "Weizen", "Stout", and "Special". Snails, of many different kinds and preparations, are the house specials. Info by Giacu, longer review on it.hobby.birra - Le Baladin
P.za 5 luglio n°15 - 12060 Piozzo (CN) - Tel: 0173 795431
web: www.birreria.com
Producing in my opinion (but many agree with me) the best italian beers, now up to classic international standard. Teo is an expert and enthusiast brewmaster (contrary to most italian micro, they did not start with "ready-to-go" equipment) and brews exclusively top fermenting beers. Most of its ales are broadly belgian or british inspired with much personalization. At the pub we can find on draught: a golden ("pseudo-pilsen" ale), the Isaac white, the Brune (sort of a Stout), the "bitter-mild" british-style Nina (all at about 5%) and Super Baladin (8%), strongest and more complex. But the brewery is more and more specializing in bottle conditioned ales: Isaac and Super (the best seller) are available also in this way; to these they have added the somptuous Noel (9%), the spicy and refined Wayan (about 6%) and ng end 2001 the exceptional Nora (7%), a personal recreation of an Olf Egypt beer. The bottles are also available in specialized shops. For other infos, also about food and live music have a look at their site - 50 per 100
Via Domodossola, 7 - Orta San Giulio (NO) - Tel: 032290255
web: www.birrificioprinz.it
The brewery was founded on 23/11/2001. we make a pale lager (pils), a red beer and alternatively a weissen and an amber; they can be sidde with plates of local cheeses and cold meats. Our specialities are fiorentina"steaks and beer-marinated steaks served on hot stone. On fridays there is live music." Informations sent by owners Prinz and Giuse. (brewing seems to be from extracts) - B&B La Birra della Valvaracho
Localitŕ Borgata Centrale - 12020 Frassino (CN) - Tel: 340 8204639
email: birrabiologica@virgilio.it web: utenti.lycos.it/birrabiologica/
Production is planned starting summer 2004. Several organic beers are planned. - Birrificio Casa del Popolo
Via F.lli Borghini 34 - 28877 Anzola d'Ossola (VB) - Tel: 0323 83031
email: birrpop@tin.it
We learn that sadly the brewmaster has recently died. The place still has good beer and food. Our best wishes to them - Birrificio Pettenaschese
Via Roma - 28028 Pettenasco (NO - Tel: 0323 89666
Apertura dalle 18.00
The place is built inside an old factory, very well resored and adapted, right on the lago D'Orta road, on the right coming from Novara. The contract brewer is the same czech now working also at Birrificio Udinese. Three beers: B-Pils (5%) (decoction brewed) Marisol (5.4%) "english" strong ale and Natalina 2004 (6.5%) of belgian inspiration. All without flaws but a bit lacking courage and personality. Report by Davide - Birrificio Torino
Via Parma, 30 - Torino
Brewpub opened in 2001. Check their site - Cicci Coco
Via Milanese 13 - Castelceriolo (AL) - Tel: 0131585312
web: www.birreriaciccicoco.it
Giorno di chiusura: mercoledi.
Already known as a pub, started production in summer 2001 with a 6 hl. equipment. - Cuore Produzione Mescita Birra
Via G. Matteotti, 7 13864 Crevacuore (BI) - Tel: 015 768544
Brewpub. Restaurant, then discopub after 11 p.m. At the time of the report they were brewing a light lager and a dunkel, not exceptional but drinkable. Source: it.hobby.birra and Beverfood
Liguria: Microbirrerie - Fabbrica Birra Busalla
Loc. Birra, 3 - Savignone (GE) - Tel: 010 9640161
web: www.birrabusalla.com
Aperto dopo le 17.00, chiuso lunedi'
The pub is only 150 from the highway exit, turning left towards Casella. The address is quite peculiar: Localita' Birra n.3 (Beer Place n.3)! In this place there was an old brewery that was operating with success in the first half of the last century: the old, unused buildings have been restored and become a nice pub and a hotel. I tasted a lager by this brewpub at a fair, before their official opening, and found it promising but not yet good. Now I could find out in subsequent visits that the beers are constantly improving. Muller lager(5.6%) has a nice, long finish, and the stronger Ambra and Rossa (7%) have a good body and balance; seasonal beers are always available, including the very good Castgnasca made with locally supplied chestnuts. Very good bruschette and dishes with cheeses and cold meats can be tasted. Thanks also to Alessio for the first review of this brewpub. - Caravanserraglio
Via del Piano 126 - 19020 Pian di Follo (SP) - Tel: 0187/558201
web: www.lasprugola.com/caravanserraglio.htm
Orario: 20.00 - 01.00 chiuso il Lunedi'
Brewpub. Range of beer produced is wide: Bičre Blanche, Weissbier, India Pale Ale, Bičre de Garde, and more (usually 3 styles are available at a time). The brewing equipment of 200 lt was designed by the owner and built by Ell & Eff of Bolzano. Besides bruschette, grilled meats and snacks, the kitchen features arabian and african cooking. The ambient has some african and magreb looking, with ethnic music and also pop rai, reggae, afro, etc. The place periodically features thematic evenings, shows and beer or ethnic lectures. Beware, there are rumours they stopped brewing. - Lion
Lungomare De Scalzo, 50 - 16039 Sestri Levante GE - Tel: 018 541004 - Fax: 018 541004
email: guardianitigullio@virgilio.it
Brewing lagers (light, amber, dark) and a weizen. Reported by Mario Brughetti. - Uncle Hank
Via XX Settembre 286 - 19100 La Spezia
Marina Anna tells us about this brewpub that should have opened at Easter 2000.
Lombardia: Microbirrerie - BI-DU
Via Confine 26 - 22070 Rodero (CO) - Tel: 031808870
web: www.bi-du.it
Located less than 5' meters from the border with switzerland, in the woods on top of Lanza Valley. Three styles brewed at the beginning: Kolsch, Strong Ale and Porter. It is also a restarant. They started very well (maybe thanks also to the help of Agostino of Birrificio Italiano): I could taste rhe Confine Porter and was really good. - Birra Stelvio
Via Roma 27- Bormio (SO) - Tel: 0342 904785
web: www.birrastelvio.it
Brewpub - Birrificio di Como
Via Paoli, 3 - 22100 Como - Tel: 031523800
web: www.ilbirrificio.it
Opening start 2004. Brewmaster is Andrea Bravi, ex Birrificio Italiano - Birrificio Italiano srl
Via Castello, 51 - 22070 Lurago Marinone (CO) - Tel: 031/895450 - Fax: 031/895450
email: birrificio@birrificio.it web: www.birrificio.it
Brewpub, one of the very first to start in Italy. They produce bottom-fermented beers: the best known are maybe Tipopils, a very good Pils (probably italian best); the bottle aged lager Amber Shock (quite rich and good and very interesting). But the beer range is wider and ever increasing, so it is better to check their informative and interesting website. Note that it is one of the few brewpub where the food is not just sandwiches and cold snacks, but much more interesting (the place is featured in the "Guida Osterie" by Slowfood). - Birrificio Lambrate (Skunky Pub)
via Adelchi, 5 angolo via Porpora - 10100 Milano - Tel: 02/70638678
web: www.birrificiolambrate.com
Brewpub. It was the first microbrewery I could visit and I must say I've been satisfied then and always: it is one of the best three micro with Baladin and Birrificio in my opinion. The blond "Montestella (5% abv) is similar to a Kolsch and is daringly hopped for being the basic beer on sale. The amber Lambrate (7%) is very good, also La Rossa (7%) and the strong S.Ambroeus (8%) are no bad at all; but the most characterful ale is the dark smoked Ghisa (6%): very good for me, but not for every drinker. Nice place; you can eat, besides the sandwiches, good assortments of selected cheeses and delicatessen - Birrificio Lodigiano
Via Adda, 6 - 26841 Casalpusterlengo (LO) - Tel: 0377 919047 - Fax: 0377 918472
email: info@birrificiolodigiano.net web: www.birrificiolodigiano.net
Brewing starting mid 2004 - Centrale della Birra
Viale Trento Trieste 62/A - 26100 Cremona - Tel: 0372/33267 - Fax: 0372/33267
email: centralebirra@unionbirrai.com web: www.centraledellabirra.it
Among the best known brewpub and one of the first to open in Italy. It is the headquarter of Unionbirrai, an association that besides other promotional activities, gathers many of the italian micros. Among its beers, the pale lager Cremona (4.8%), the stronger, amber Strenna (7%) and the Califfa strong ale. - Officina della Birra - Osteria Dolfini
Via Cademario 19 - 69034 Bioggio (CH) - Tel: 0041 091 6002333
Mind, this brewery is actually in Switzerland! It is included not only because its proximity to Italy, but also because they are quite active in taking part into beer events, fair and conferences held in Italy. - Birreria Blues
Via XXV Aprile 10 - 24050 Cividate al Piano (BG) - Tel: 0363 97310
email: info@bluespub.com web: www.bluespub.com
Chiusura Lunedi'
The brewery makes a pils, a ale, a doppelbock and a scotch ale, bottled and on draught. Started brewing in 1999. The placed is located in an antique restored building and hold up to 500 people. Infos by Mondobirra - Birreria Novecento
via Roma angolo via Modromeno - 23020 Casatenovo (LC) - Tel: 039 9202043
email: info@900online.it
A few different beers named after famous painters, including a weizen and a few lagers (light, amber and strong): according to a review on it.hobby.birra, the first was quite good and the others less remarkable. (Source:it.hobby.birra e Beverfood) - Birrificio Bustese
Via XXIV maggio, 1 - fraz Borsano - Busto Arsizio (VA) - Tel: 3477402104
chiuso il martedě
Opened 6/6/2004 by Valentino Rossi, ex-homebrewer. Source: Busto Brewers on it.hobby.birra - Brasseria Spluga
Via Roma, 93/A ( via degli emigranti, 12) - 23020 Gordona (SO) - Tel: 0343 41397
email: brasseriaspluga@libero.it web: www.brasseriaspluga.com
Microbrewery and Brewpub, brewing 7 different beers, from bock to Honey, Dark and Vienna and a few seasonals Source: Beverfood - Mondobirra - Echo
Via Pontiglia 37 - 23030 Livigno SO - Tel: 0342 996332
"Echo, the highest beer in Europe" is the slogan. They brew a weizen and a few different lagers. Food is mainly cold meats and cheeses, including a very good bitto according the reviewer. (source: it.hobby.birra) - Fabbrica di Birra Palazzolo
Via A. Kupfer - Palazzolo sull' Oglio(BS)
Opened since november 2001 and located in a building called Palabrauhaus. Reported by Mario Bughetti (thanks) - HOPS! Desenzano
Via Dei Colli Storici, 1 - 25015 Desenzano del Garda (BS) - Tel: 030/991035 - Fax: 030/9910351
Aperto Tutte le sere, dalle 19,00 alle 02,00
2° HOPS! brewery, opened 25/09/1998. Of the same chain that opened a few places by franchising. See HOPS! Riccione - Il Giardino della birra
Via Ortica 8-10 Milano (Zona Ortica) - Tel: 0270004030
Opened in July 2002. Beer are improving. Bavarian style food - Iron Twins Brew Bar
Via Legnano 31 - Bergamo - Tel: 035 341723
Thanks to Roberto Sonzogni for the report - La Fabbrica
Via P.R.Giuliani 38 - Saronno (VA) - Tel: 02 967 09 493
web: www.publafabbrica.com
It is located near the 'Posta nuova' in Saronno, on the Varesina road. Typical dishes, focaccia, hams, live music, maxiscreen, parking, etc etc. Report by Gian Matteo "Jaffar" I visited it myself: there were three beers available (two lager and a sweet and spicy white), all about at 4.5%, not bad but a bit bland to my taste. - Maivisto
Via Maivista 3 - 24010 Sedrina (BG) - Tel: 035636223
Again Ferdinando Carrara: "Brewery on three floors, with restaurant and live music. The italian-canadian brewmaster is using a 10hl equipment and makes a pils, an amber and a very goos weizen" - Manerba Brewery
Via Trevisago 19 - 25080 Manerba del Garda (BS) - Tel: 0365.551309 - Fax: 0365.551013
Quite big Micro/BrewPub. Here are the informations by Ferdinando Carrara (who reviewed for us many micros): "The equipment (model "Brauhaus") has been made by the German firm Kaspar Schulz, and is the same used by Paulaner for many of its breweries.. The batch size os 20 hl, and the brewmaster is the same of Hopfen microbrewery of Bolzano. Featured beers are: helles, weizen, bock, dunkles (quite good). 200 seated places + 100 outdoors" - Officina della Birra
via Matteotti 11 - Bresso (MI) - Tel: 02/6106076
Brewpub reviwed by Marco Zini who liked particularly the Weiss; they make also a pale lager and a stronger and slightly sweeter amber lager. Opened in June 99. - Orso Verde
Busto Arsizio (VA) - Fax: 0331/637109
Microbrewery, selling bottles and kegs of (initially) 3 beers: Hell, Weizen and Blanche.Opened 20/6/2004. Source: Andrea on it.hobby.birra - Osteria del Santo Bevitore
Via Manzoni, 1 - 24030 Medolago (BG) - Tel: 035 4948831
Source: Beverfood - Osteria di Bastardu' - Last Out
Via Cologno, 22 - 24053 Brignano Gera d'Adda (BG) - Tel: 0363 814053
email: last-out@libero.it
Source: Beverfood - Sora' Lama'
V. Spluga 66, San Cassiano (SO) - Tel: 0343 20458
Microbrewery, producing five different bottled beers: a blond, a strong pale and amber, weiss and a barley wine (named "Vin d'Orz", that is barley wine translated) - The Burper
Via G. Sforza, 139 (vicino allo Stadio) - 20081 Abbiategrasso (MI) - Tel: 02-94963310.
web: www.theburper.it
Started production in 2001 with a microequipment of 1.2 hl. They frequently organize beer events (guded tasting of their beers and classic beers, etc.) - Trattoria Microbirreria Cŕ de Gos
Localitŕ Acquebone - 25040 Artogne (BS) - Tel: 0364/591422
email: cadegos@tin.it
Aperto dalle 10.00 alle 02.00 - Giorno di chiusura: lunedě
At the restaurant you can eat cold meats, cheeses, a choice of classic Bavarian Wurstels, , pizza, pasta and other dishes. They produce three different ales (blond, strong blond and amber) (source: I.H.B. and web) - Zythum (to Twój Zythum?)
via Rutilia - Milano - Tel: 02 5691616 - Fax: 0256818715
web: www.zythum.it
Information coming from it.hobby.birra. The place is nice and wide (looks like a disco-pub); the food is "fusion" i.e. a mix of mexican, arabian, japanese etc. The beers are: weiss, pilsener, strong lager, an amber "cream ale"... according to the reviewers they are a bit light-bodied and unexceptional, at least at the moment of their visit to the pub, just at their opening.
Veneto: Microbirrerie - Vecchio Birraio
Via Caselle, 87 - Campo San Martino loc. Marsango (PD) - Tel: 049/552088 - Fax: 049/552088
Orario: 19.00 - 02.00. Chiuso Lunedi'
Brewpub. They produce four different beers: a Pilsener and three stronger beers (an amber, a red and a dark). The place opened in 16/8/97 and matches the beers with some beer cooking, for example "risotto with radicchio and beer" "flemish chicken" and more. The brewery can be visited by calling in advance. Again Paolo De Martin:" You feel the Canadian-American background (...) they use toasted malts also for the pale lager (...) and use the same top fermenting yeast for all the beers (...) the dark beers are of some distintion while the pils in my opinion is not correctly balanced (...) Anyway, not bad for being a new entry." Update: new brewer, the beers are on a good staandard; there is also a weizen and some seasonal. Besides the restaurant, they have a Pizzeria. - Arte Birraia
Via Montegge, 48 - Fraz Rasai - 32030 Seren del Grappa (BL) - Tel: 0439 448154
email: artebirraia@libero.it
Brewing beers under the Ofen name. There beer is not served here but at the two "Locanda di Cecchet" pubs (see). Brewer is ex-Menabrea. Source: Beverfood, it.hobby.birra - Bierstube
Via Lungolago 6 - Alleghe (BL)
Reported again by Piero Eydenet and Paolo Demartin. This brewpub opened in 2000 and started brewing from extract: this anyway did not prevented them to have soon good results, according to our "strict" reviewer Paolo :-) - Birracrua
Strada Vicinale Monte Crocetta, 6 - 36100 Vicenza - Tel: 0444965141 - Fax: 0444965141
email: birrificio@birrificiobirracrua.it web: www.birrificiobirracrua.it
Brewpub that soon had good reviews about the quality and personality of the beers, considering that it is at the beginiing. They started with three beers: Hoplŕ, a well hopped 4.2% abv pils; Scarlet, an amber ale at 5.5%, with a balance of hops and caramel malt; and Wanted, a dark amber lager at 7%. Fuller review at http://snurl.com/4sme Thanks to Keach and it.hobby.birra. - Birreria Artigianale Nord-Est
Via Montello, 12 - 31030 ALTIVOLE (TV) - Tel: 0423-915513
Opened again with new ownership, and improved quality of the beers. (Paolo de Martin) - Birreria del Vichingo
Via Colombara 3 - 37035 San Giovanni Ilarione (VR) - Tel: 0456550252
Microbrewery, it would brew a smoked beer (5,9%), an organic beer(5%), a special blonde (5,2%), a rice beer (5%), a dark(5,9%) and a weizen (4,5%). Infos by Beverfood - Brek Ristoranti (1)
Via delle Industrie, 8 - 30038 Spinea (VE) - Tel: 0041 5495105
Brewpub. - Brek Ristoranti (2)
Via Carducci 54 - 30173 Mestre (VE)
Brewpub. - Brenta
Via Brenta, 81- 32020 Livinalongo (BL) - Tel: 0436 7280
They started with a pale (5%) and a weizen (4,5%) Source: Beverfood - Capocaccia
Piazza al Paradiso, 1 - 36061 Semonzo del Grappa (TV) - Tel: 0335 8064503
Source: Beverfood - La Barchessa di Villa Pola
Via Sandro Pomini, 3 - 31050 Barcon di Vedelago TV - Tel: 0423 772017 - Fax: 0432 772839
email: trebi@inwind.it
Brewing a blonde (4,7%), a stronger lager lager (6,8), a pils (5), an amber lager (6,3) and a weizen (4,7). Supplying also a few other places around ("Beer by Birra Pola"). Brewer is Sebastiano Ladu, well known by homebrewers. Source: beverfood and it.hobby.birra - La Locanda - Cecchet
Viale dei Dendrofori, 22 - 32100 Belluno (BL) - Tel: 0437950772
Pub Restaurant serving (like the following one, of the same ownership) the "Ofen" beer produced by Artebirra micro (see) . First reviewed by Piero "Eydenet" who reported also the beer cuisine of personalized german-tyrolean style;an english style room and a little biergarten. - La Locanda - Cecchet
Via Montelungo, 2 - 32032 Feltre (BL) - Tel: 043983774
See place in Belluno - Pizzeria-Ristorante Sancolodi
Via Dante Alighieri 137 - Localita' Casoni - Mussolente (VI) - Tel: 0424-573029
Chiuso il lunedi
It is more like a Brew-Pizzeria than a Brewpub, with a small (7hl) plant by the Canadian Brew-Tech. According to the reviewer, at the moment of the opening the beer (a pale and a red lager) were not outstanding; later quality of beers quite improved, and the Pils is excellent. - Presa 20
Via Casagrande, 10 - 31044 Biadene di Montebelluna (TV) - Tel: 0423 23000
Located by the "Le Campagnole" farm holiday. Brewer is Fabiano Toffoli, well know beer expert and adviser. Strong on belgian styles, Fabiano surprised us a bit by starrting with a Dunkel, but many new specialities scheduled. Watch this brewery, also for the beer events organized with the cooperation of the farm holiday. - San Gabriel
Via 4 novembre 7/8 - Busco di Ponte di Piave (TV) - Tel: 0422 752899 - Fax: 0422753721
Reported by C. Avanzi - Valley Beer
Via degli alpini 12 - 36072 Chiampo (VI) - Tel: 04444214
Trentino - Alto Adige: Microbirrerie - Agriturismo Birreria Seppila
Via Haspa 30 - 39035 Tesido (BZ) - Tel: 0474/950204
Reported by Mario Bughetti - Birreria Pedavena
Piazza Fiera, 13 - Trento TN - Tel: 0461 986255 - Fax: 0461 265238
web: www.birreriapedavena.com
It is a brewpub in downtown Trento, a pizza-restaurant-bar that has nothing to do with the Heineken world. The brewery is an historical place of Trento, located in piazza Fiera, founded at the beginning of the last century by a family form Belluno, and brewing since august 2000 with a 10 hl equipment. They brew three kinds of beer (called Lag's Beer): Chiara (Helles style), Weizen and Rossa (Vienna), not too remarkable but improving, and a few seasonal festive beers. Great success right since the opening. Brewmaster is a young brewmistress from Germany. (Andrea Aldrighetti, andy (at ISP) italianovero.it) - Hopfen & Co
P.za delle Erbe 17 - 39100 Bolzano - Tel: 0471/300788
Ingredients and brewmaster are of german origin. According to a reviewer the hefe-weizen is good and the other pale lager are sufficient, but other people have been more enthusiast. Worth a vist anyway; besides being located in the central Piazza delle Erbe, the pub itself is in an ancient and tipically Tyrolean location, split in several floors with interesting furniture. They serve good and tipical local food. - Hotel Excelsior
Piazza Cesare Battisti 11 - 38033 Cavalese (TN) - Tel: 0462 340403
The brewery is part of a resort with several businesses carried on by memmbers of a single family:Hotel, Restaurant, winery, distillery, farm and now also microbrewery! See detailed review by Ton - Laboratori Gastronomici Valle del Chiese
Roncone TN - Tel: 0465 900082
They make un pasteurized cheese, jams and also beer! Their "Alexander Bier" is a top fermenting blonde light ale, lightly hopped (with some infection problems due to the cheese laboratory). You can find the beer in 0.5 lt bottles in some shops and on draught in a pizzeria or the village. (Andrea Aldrighetti, andy (at ISP) italianovero.it) - Pustertaler Bier
Via Waidach 18 - 39030 Vandoies/Vallarga (BZ) - Tel: 0472 548314
email: info@Pustertaler-Freiheit.com
Brewing a light lager and a Weissbier from locally grown barley.
Friuli - Venezia Giulia: Microbirrerie - Cittavecchia
Viale Stazione di Prosecco 5/c - 34010 Sgonico (Trieste) - Tel: 040 251060 - Fax: 040211009
web: www.cittavecchia.com
It is really a microbrewery, it has not its own pub but supplies beer to pubs and restaurants around Trieste. The brewmaster, Michele, is an expert and enthusiast homebrewer who made the big step and turned professional. He has started with two beers, a pale lager and an amber lager in the Vienna style, stronger but more attenuated, drinkable but quite tasty. I could sample (and enjoy!) the beers at the very start of the production, directly from the maturation tanks. Later also a strong ale called Formidable, and then more beers, have been introduced. For news and informations about the beer range and availiability, check their site - Alla Ghiacciaia
Via Beligna, 1014 - 33051 Aquileia (UD) - Tel: 0432 507312
email: solero@libero.it
Brewing a lager and a pilsner. A brewery (or pub) with the same name exist in Udine: some confusion? Source: Beverfood - BEFeD Pub n.1
Viale Costa 6/B - 33081 Aviano (PD) - Tel: 0434 661025 - Fax: 0431917077
email: info@befed.ws web: www.befed.ws
Altough I have never visited this brwpub, I could taste their lagers (a Hell and a Bock, clean and good) at Birrissima 2000 and 2001 beer conferences. - BEFeD Pub n.2
Via S.Lorenzo 63 - 33050 Fiumicello (UD) - Tel: 0431 917402 - Fax: 0431917077
email: info@befed.ws web: www.befed.ws
Same owner and beers as the pub in Aviano. - Birrificio Udinese
Piazzale Osoppo Via Caccia 5 - 33100 Udine - Tel: 0432 510988 - Fax: 0432 220461
email: birrificioudinese@tin.it web: www.bire.it
chiuso lunedi. Sab e domenica solo sera
Biggest brewpub in Italy, as equipment size - and probably also as size of the place. Brewer is Martin Vrba from Czech Republic. All his beers (named Bire) are made by decoction (triple decoction for the pils). Besides the Pils (4.6%) they have a eizen, two amber ales and a "Nera" (black) inspired by the U Fleku beer. Full restaurant, jazz on Tuesdays - Mastro Birraio
Via Nazionale, 97 - 33048 S. Giovanni al Natisone (UD) - Tel: 0432-756521 - Fax: 0432-756521
Brewpub with pizzeria; Paolo reported that they were using equipment and supplies from Hungary and english yeasts and the results were by then still unexceptional. Despite a reported unconfirmed closure, I confirm that presently (2004) they are still open and brewing. - S. Johannes Brau
Not brewing any more - Sauris Agri Beer
Fraz Sauris di Sopra 50 - 33020 Sauris (UD) - Tel: 0433866314
web: www.zahrebeer.com
Microbrewery opened in 2000 in this remote and beautiful resort of Carnia. Thanks to Stefano Cossi for the information. I could taste their lagers: a good Pils (though maybe not hopped enough), an excellent Vienna and a remarkable... "special". A smoked beer has been added - The Coopers Yard (birra Praforte)
Via d. Stazione 65/b - 33090 Travesio (fraz Usago)(PN) - Tel: 042790091
Big brewpub, known before as a Pub (also under the name Pink Panther), since October 2000 started its own production of beers under the "Praforte" trademark. During my visit I could appreciate two lagers (a hell and an amber) of really good quality. The equipment is modern and computer controlled. The place is big, with quite original (!) furnishing and a big barbecue for the local food specialty (roasted little chickens) - Yo Quiero Mass
Via Udine, 31 - 33010 Resiutta (UD) - Tel: 0433 51207
Also known as "Al Buon Arrivo". Source: Beverfood, confirmed in it.hobby.birra
Emilia-Romagna: Microbirrerie - Panil - Torrechiara
Strada Pilastro 35 - Torrechiara (PR) - Tel: 0521355113 - Fax: 0521355136
email: drlopez@supereva.it web: www.panilbeer.com
Microbrewery in the Torrechiara village, known for its beautiful medieval Castle. They also produce and bottle wine, and since summer 2001 they have started with beer: at first the Panil (light amber at 6.5% abv.), followed by Blanche, Brune and the very sepcial oak-aged barriquee, all available in bottles. Thanks for the first report to Marco Bellini. - Amarcord (Spring srl.)
Via Tabellione, 15 - 47891 Falciano (Rep. San Marino) - Tel: 0549 976979 - Fax: 0549 942853
Actually located in San Marino. Spring acquired the rights for the brewery and beer names and recipes of old Amarcord microbrewery of Rimini: the pale lagers El Figoun (5.2%) and La Mi Dona (6.5%) and the amber lagers Putena (7.5%) and Tabachera (10%). They are at the "border" of micro category, both for their dimensions and because beers are filtered (but not pateurized. The Figoun is locally available also in unfileterd version. - HOPS! Riccione
Via Parini, 3 - 47838 Riccione (RN) - Tel: 0541/607920 - Fax: 0541/692507
web: www.birrahops.com
Aperto Tutte le sere, dalle 19,30 alle 03,00
1° locale HOPS!, opened 26/06/1997. It is the original brewpub of a chain that has opened a few other places in franchising. It is a brewpub of american inspiration as for ambient and food offer. The first review here was by Deckard and Glauco Bianchi, which at the time reported it already was a quite busy brewpub with up to 10 beers in their offer, but not more than 3 or 4 at the same time They also have their own web site - Lindbeer
Argelato - Bologna
Producing a light and an amber lager. Giovanni "Laser" Spinotti who reported it remembers the good quality of the beer and its "pleasant" effects. N.B. according to other sources, the brewery could have closed now - Millenium
Via Rimesse - Bologna
Atthe opening (summer 99) it was producing just one type of beer. As our reviewer informs us, theyuse dry extract and quality at the moment was unexceptional.
Toscana: Microbirrerie - Il Circolo 50
Centro Commerciale "Il Giglio" - 50013 Campi Bisenzio (FI) - Tel: 055-8969826
Renewed, it opened again at the same address. Ton Notermans sent us a review - Mosto Dolce
Via Dell'Arco, 6 - 59100 Prato - Tel: 0574 21973 - Fax: 055 331735
chiuso il lunedi
The address is that of the pub , the "brewery tap" (near piazza San Marco, in the street along the Cassero); the brewery is in Via Fra Bartolomeo, 211 (Tel: 0574.577030). Head of brewing operations is friend Ton Notermans, expert and well known homebrewer. His beers have already very good reviews, expecially the exceptional honey beer. - Birrificio Artigiano - Orzo Bruno
Via Case Dipinte 6/8 - Pisa - Tel: 050 578802 - Fax: 050 578802
web: www.ilbirrificioartigiano.it
Martedi' - Venerdi' 12.00-15.00 e 18.00-24.00, Sabato e Domenica solo sera, chiuso Lunedi'
OrzoBruno is the pub that is the brewery tap, whose address is reported here; the brewery itself is called Birrificio Artigianale and is in Bientina (PI). Brew-mistress is Rosa Gravina (ex-Lambrate, and this is promising). Three beers to start, all ales and - according to first reports - all characterful: Valdera Rossa (5.2%), Martesana (hoppy light ale, 4.2%) and the strong ale Gorgona (7.1%) - Il Bovaro
Via Pisana 3r, (Porta San Frediano)- Firenze - Tel: 055-2207057 - Fax: 055-2306364.
Aperto tutti i giorni dalle 19.00 alle 01.00; venerdě e sabato fino alle 02.00.
Brewpub on the center of Florence. See interesting review by Ton Notermans - La Petrognola - Forno Paolo Magazzini
via S.Felice 1 - frazione Petrognola, Piazza al Serchio LU - Tel: 0583 696143
web: www.lapetrognola.com
Brewed with locally grown spelt. Not sure about the exact brewing location, it is available at a baker's shop at the reported address.
Marche: Microbirrerie - Gasthaus Alpenkeller
via Cola d'Amatrice n. 13 - Ascoli Piceno - Tel: 0736 41786
Paola, a beer enthusiast, informs us about the first brewpub in Marche, opened in May 99. "There you can drink a dry and clean pilsener, balanced in its malt and hops flavour; and a Dunkel, malty and aromatic with a good head (...) Very simple food, but if you want to eat, there is a good restaurant just nearby the pub, with german and regional dishes." - HOPS! Civitanova Marche
Viale Vittorio Veneto, 130/a - 62012 Civitanova Marche (MC) - Tel: 0733/818617 - Fax: 0733/777753
Aperto Tutte le sere, dalle 19,30 alle 02,30
3° HOPS! brewery, opened 15/07/1999. Also known as Robin Pub. Of the same chain that opened a few places by franchising. See HOPS! Riccione - HOPS! Fano
Via Einaudi, 18 (zona Bellocchi) - 61032 Fano (PS) - Tel: 0721/856109 - Fax: 0721/859245
Aperto Tutti i giorni dalle 06,00 alle 02,30 non stop
4° HOPS! brewery, opened 05/11/2000. Of the same chain that opened a few places by franchising. See HOPS! Riccione
Umbria: Microbirrerie - Il Birraio
Zona Porta Sole - Perugia
Nice and warm place in irish country pub style. They make a light and an amber (slightly tart but good), with a 200 liters batch; yeast are from UK (Nottingham). Thanks to Stephan for the infos! - La Maga
Via Porta Fuga, 12 - 06049 Spoleto (PG) - Tel: 075 8043043
Source: Beverfood
Lazio: Microbirrerie - Birrificio Turbacci
Centro Sportivo Mezzaluna - Mentana (Roma) - Tel: 06 9094701 - Fax: 069092557
Brewpub non lontano da Roma, produce una Lager (ad alta, a dispetto del nome, come le altre birre), una Black, una Weizen e una piu' forte Super, piu' stagionali. Da fine 2003 e' anche ristorante oltre che Pizzeria. Per saperne di piu' sulle birre guardate questo dettagliato report con i giudizi di Kuaska e diverse foto. - Starbess - Rome Brewing co.(Kenny's Pub)
Via Passaglia No.1 - Roma - Tel: 06397 21153
Surely among the most interesting new entries. Mike Murphy, a young american in Rome, former homebrewer, started very well with a wide range of beers. Among them, i liked expecially the very good Smoked Porter and, above all, the great Pioneer Ale, a hoppy and aromatic American Pale Ale. I don't know if the brewery is to be considered a micro or a brewpub: actually the equipments are not far from Kenny's Pub, which is presently the only pub supplied. - Atlas Coelestis
Via Malcesine 41 - 00135 Roma
New brewpub in Rome, reported by Danilo. At the time of the report is too early to judge their beers. 10 hl equipment - Stazione Birra
Via Placanica, 172 (Fraz. Morena Sud) - Roma - Tel: 06 79845959 - Fax: 067984181
email: mail@stazionebirra.com web: www.stazionebirra.com
Many reports of this brewery, but opinion are both negative and positive. Consider that it's a Disco-Pub, with the related cons (loud music) and pros (if you are interested in music, there are sometimes well known artists and bands on stage). The beer produced at rotation are: Amber, 6,0% vol. - Doppel Bock, 6,0% vol. - Dunkel, 5,5% vol. - Hell, 5,2% vol. - Stout, 5,0% vol. - Weizen, 5,4% vol. - Top Malto
Via Aldo Moro, 28 - 04020 Spigno Saturnia (LT) - Tel: 0771 64364
email: info@topmalto.com web: www.topmalto.com
Source:Beverfood - it.hobby.birra - web
Abruzzi: Microbirrerie - Magoo Birreria Artigianale
Via Sassa 11, L'Aquila.
Waiting for more infos - PI.PA. Mastro Birraio
Corso Dante 59 - 66054 Vasto CH - Tel: 347 9106168
They would brew a pils and a weizen, but production could be suspended (to be verified). (Source: it.hobby.birra and Beverfood)
Campania: Microbirrerie - Duel Beer
Via Antiniana 2A, Pozzuoli, Napoli.
Opened in 2000, producing three kind of beers: light and strong lager, and weisse - St John's
Localitŕ Selva, 82030 Faicchio (BN)
web: www.saintjohnsbier.it
This micro was born from pioneer microbrewery St Josef's of Sorrento who stopped brewing at that place and moved here its skills and equipment. The old place in Sorrento, where the ownership ha a hotel and a good restaurant, is still headquarter and tap of Faicchio brewery. reported by Roberto Merico - Tennent's Tavern
Via Filettine,211 84016 Pagani (SA) - Tel: 0815155240
email: info@birrificiotennents.it web: www.birrificiotennents.it
Brewpub opened in 2002. Four beer brewed at its start (Pilsner, Weisse, Dunkel and Doppelbock). Food: both sandwiches and full restaurant menu. See infos on thei site, and also this review by Peppe Beerman written in newsgroup it.hobby.birra Thanks also to Roberto Merico for the first report
Puglia: Microbirrerie - Birrificio Svevo
Via Castromediano 95 Bari
email: info@birrificiosvevo.it web: www.birrificiosvevo.it
Microbrewery serving a few places around (a weizen and maybe other ales) - Brauhus Engel
V. Ospedale Orsini 54 - 71043 Manfredonia (FG) - Tel: 0884588450 - Il Birraio
Via del Duomo 13-17 - Barletta (BA) - Tel: 0883 533012
web: www.birraio.com
Brewing the blonde Ginevra, the amber Brancaleone and the stronger Eraclito - Tre Fontane
Via Vizzano, 73 - Taranto - Tel: 099/7772001
Calabria: Microbirrerie - Birra Olimpo Artigianale
Contrada pietŕ 10 - 87012 Castrovillari (CS) - Tel: 347 1327812
Microbrewery, producing a pils (maybe a strong lager will be added), at the moment only bottled. - Prodel
Via Cirimele 14 - 88025 Catanzaro - Tel: 0968727804
web: www.birraprodelsrl.com
It seems to be a medium size brewery more than an actual micro: the equipment are of industrial type and the beers are filtered. They produce the "Birra del Vecchio Calabrese" (Beer of the Old Man of Calabria) - an average pils - and a "Sailor's Beer" "Das Seeman" (a bit stronger, fruitier and more interesting), Thanks to Leonardo on i.h.b. for the informations. - Titanic
V. P. Nenni - 88046 Lamezia Terme (CZ) - Tel: 096825609
Sardegna: Microbirrerie - Beerland Sardinia
Zona Industriale sett.6 n. 97 - 07026 Olbia (SS) - Tel: 0789 57755 - Fax: 0789 57755
email: info@beerland.it web: www.beerland.it
Source:Beverfood - it.hobby.birra - web - Addis Scopel - Birra Dolomiti
Loc. SuspantU- 09012 Capoterra (CA)
Producing the "Dolomiti" range of beers; you can find them at a place called Mastrobirraio in Cagliari (see Pub section). - Gambrinus Fabbrica Birra Artigianale
Zona Industriale - 07030 Muros (SS) - Tel: 079345725
- Orteip
Via Porto Torres 1 - 08025 Oliena (NU) - Tel: 0784286024
Producing beers under the Bir's trademark, in three types: two pale ones and a stronger dark. Max year production capacity is 2000 hl. - Sadile
SS 131 "Carlo Felice" km 186.400 - Siligo (SS)
email: sadileverabirrasarda@tiscali.it
Makes a blond lager in 0.66 cl bottles, sold also in many foodstores in the region.
Sicilia: Microbirrerie - Ceria
V. S. Agata Dei Goti 33 - 92019 Sciacca (AG) - Tel: 0925902708
web: www.birraceria.it
Biagio and Gaetano inform us of this brewery. Their production capability (with equipment by Velo) is between 2500 and 4000 hl/years (close to the upper limit to be called a micro) - Naxos
Via Circonvallazione 32 - 91026 Mazara del Vallo (TP) - Tel: 0923 944587
Somehowt differently to other microbreweries, Naxos focuses on a simple, clean, almost weak, pleasant and drinkable lager, available only in bottles in pizzerias and food stores; an alternative to "mainstream" beers, but always a craft beer (unfiltered and unpasteurized) of good quality. Kuaska's words! - Wild Spirit
Via G.B. Vico 21 - 90011 Bagheria (PA) - Tel: 091 969430 - Fax: 091960308
The first sicilian micro (mentioned in this site since 1998 thanks to Gian Matteo) managed to recover from the premature death of Mimmo, one of the brewers and founders. Now they brew a Golden Lager, a Red Ale and a strong seasonal stout. More on www.mondobirra.org/wildspirit.htm - Birrificio Maya
P.zza Bellini 7 - 95020 Aci Bonaccorsi (CT) - Tel: 349 4924880 (risp. Panarello Giovanni)
email: massimo.rizzari@virgilio.it
Started with three kind of ales, only bottled. They are available in Catania. - La Caverna del Mastro Birraio
Via Sclafani 38 - 95024 Acireale (CT) - Tel: 095 7652328 - Fax: 095 885938
First brewpub around Catania, opening beginning 2004. It will also be possible to taste other craft beers from Sicily and not only. Thanks to Nello castrofor the infos - Litomil Pivo
Via Mattarella Bernardo 62/D - 90011 Bagheria (PA) - Tel: 091 909322