Piwo a celtic punk - teksty

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  • grzech
    D(r)u(c)h nieuchwytny
    • 2001.04
    • 4592


    Piwo a celtic punk - teksty

    Ostatnio "zasłuchuję się" utworami z kręgu muzyków grających i śpiewających (czasem wrzeszczących) coś, co określono jako Celtic Punk (Irish Punk, czy jak tam kto sobie chce). Jak przystało na Irlandczyków (rodzimych, czy tez z drugiej strony Atlantyku) nie wylewaja za kołnierz i podobnie rozmaite alkohole są tematem ich utworów. Na początek The Bloody Irish Boys. Teksty zamieszczam za wiedzą i zgodą lidera grupy Shayne'a Underwooda. Pochodza ze strony - http://www.thebloodyirishboys.com.

    Beer is good Beer is great

    Red Dog Anheiser
    Mickeys and Budweiser
    Natural Light and Natural Ice
    hell any Beer will suffice

    Beer is good Beer is great
    There is no Beer that I hate
    Hell even if its warm
    I will not hesitate

    Fosters Labatte Blue
    Little Kings and Molson too
    Miller High Life Genuine Draft
    Lotsa Beer straight from the tap

    40s Blatz Red White and Blue
    Cant forget Guinness too
    Keystone will do just fine
    Magnum a dollar 29
  • grzech
    D(r)u(c)h nieuchwytny
    • 2001.04
    • 4592

    Poniżej tekst utworu wspomnianych wyżej chłopców.

    Rare Auld Extra Stout

    Gather round me boys gather round me boys
    Its time to drink alright
    Gather round me boys gather round me boys
    Its another saturday night
    The week has past now well have a blast
    Well get drunk and shout
    But just make sure that we dont run out
    Of that rare auld extra stout

    Gather round and fill your glasses
    But do one thing for me
    If you get a hold of that triple X
    Better save some for me
    We like it red we like it black
    We love that extra stout
    But when its late and its closin time
    It makes us wanna shout

    Hey dont close down yet weve only just begun
    Theres still more beer to drink so theres still more fun
    We can play all night long as long as the people shout
    And as long as the bar doesnt run out of that rare auld extra stout

    Gather round and listen up
    To what I have to say
    When its last call for alcohol
    Thats when we all say nay
    And at the end of every single night
    The bar tries to kick us out
    But when its late and its closin time
    Were all gonna shout


    • Kimer
      Sierżant Pijalniowy Zaprawiacz
      • 2003.06
      • 154

      Do tego samego "nurtu" należy też Dropkick Murphys, choć grają ostrzej niż TBIB. O ich uwielbieniu dla piwa świadczy choćby taka tapeta:


      • Kimer
        Sierżant Pijalniowy Zaprawiacz
        • 2003.06
        • 154

        I bonusy:


        • grzech
          D(r)u(c)h nieuchwytny
          • 2001.04
          • 4592

          Kolejny tekst utworu z repertuaru The Merry Ploughboys. Zaczerpnięty z ich strony - http://www.merryploughboys.com/index.html za wiedzą i zgodą zespołu. To jest wprawdzie grupa czysto folkowa, ale jak przystało na Irlandzczyków...

          Donal Cawley / Merry Ploughboys

          When you're sweating and slaving and you don't see the need
          A hot Summers day now is hard not to heed
          So take off your coat lay down on the grass
          You're a leisurely gentleman not working class
          When the streets were on fire in with the sun in July
          And I felt like a pint 'fore I'd drop down and die
          I called out the boys and we went on a crawl
          Bid good day to the Boss, we were going AWOL

          Had the first in the dockers had to kill an early thirst
          The second in the Fleet and in Mulligans the third
          Asked the maid behind the bar for a pint of the plain
          There's not many left that understand what you mean
          The fourth for the dinner in the oul Liffey Bar
          The fifth in Thomas Reeds for an afternoon jar
          Downed number six in the famous Long Haul
          That day in July we were going AWOL

          Number seven in the Quays with a stag and a hen
          We stayed for number eight, number nine and number ten
          We left the Temple bar for the oul Foggy Dew
          Where to get to number twelve we had another two
          Thirteen in O'Neills didn't bring us much luck
          The lads were slowing down and some were getting stuck
          The porter it was flowing we were heading for a fall
          That day in July we were going AWOL

          Bouncers on each door decorated for a Ball
          With a céid míle failte as they frisk one and all
          Bring your hat from the site 'cause you might whack your head
          From the stuff hanging up like me Granny's old shed
          If you're trying to navigate and you've given up the ghost
          Sure every Dublin Pub now has robbed a sign post
          A few funny places had no porter at all
          That day in July we were going AWOL

          Celebrated twenty one with some Danes up in Keoghs
          The Vikings are back and nobody knows
          Met a German in the Duke who he looking for a fleadh
          A Swede in Davey Byrnes he was buying Luggala
          Every penny of my pay I'm sure I did lose
          Buying rounds for the session up in O'Donoghues
          Nearly died of shock when I head the last call
          That day in July we were going AWOL

          I came across a vision of a bar that never stops
          Where the beer is flowing free and there's only Guinness taps
          A seat for every man you can talk without the sound
          Of a thousand headers bopping to a Lambeg drum
          The vision it was shattered by a big civic guard
          Met the boss going home - he handed me me cards
          Couldn't find a cab fell a asleep in a ball
          That day in July we were going AWOL


          • grzech
            D(r)u(c)h nieuchwytny
            • 2001.04
            • 4592

            Nabyłem ostatnio płytę "Any Port In A Storm" zespołu The Skels. Muzycznie mieszczą się idealnie w nurcie irlandzkiego punka. Obok instrumentarium rokowego mamy tam mandolinę, banjo oraz irlandzką fujareczkę.

            Piosenki, wbrew temu, czego można się spodziewać po tytule nie traktują o wadach i zaletach morskich rejsów, a w sporym procencie o spożywaniu alkoholi i skutkach tegoż.

            Pierwszy utwór "When The Devil's Whore Arrives" wspomina nieco o spożywaniu, ale drugi to klasyka.

            A Glass O' Stout

            Come gather 'round hear what I say
            There's one thing to know at the end of the day
            Listen my friend what this song is about
            There's nothing as grand as a glass o' stout.

            Come witches, come goblins, come ghosts of the night
            Come tortured old souls that fills me with fright
            I've just the thing to keep youat bay
            A glass o' stout a day keeps the doctor away

            Whene I finished my time she was waitin' at the gate
            Wit her arms wide open at a smile on her face
            There was one thing on my mind that day I got out
            And that was the thought of a glass o' stout.

            A glass o' stout will dry my tears, turn
            my grey skies blue
            A glass o' stout will drown my fears
            and wash down this teast of you.

            Kończąc pozwalają sobie na sympatyczne wyznanie:
            "... But I'm as happy as a pig in shit
            If glass o' stout touches my lips".


            • grzech
              D(r)u(c)h nieuchwytny
              • 2001.04
              • 4592

              W kolejnym utworze "The Rain Come Pissin' Down" interesuje nas refren:

              "I danced with the porter I danced with the ale
              I danced with the devil and I stepped on his tale
              Bid farewell to any my friends on the day that I left town
              On board a train to New York City as the rain come pissin' down".

              Inny hymn Skelsów "Have A Drink Ya Bastards" traktuje o znanej powszechnie aktywności Irlandczyków:

              ..."But I drank down evey penny each of
              seven drunken nights
              Then I'd call out for anotheg round of
              seven drunken pints"...

              W refrenie:
              ..." So have a drink ya bastards, 'cause the
              morning's nearly here
              The open road's before us so let's have
              another beer"


              • grzech
                D(r)u(c)h nieuchwytny
                • 2001.04
                • 4592

                FCJA - Sorki za literówki.


                • grzech
                  D(r)u(c)h nieuchwytny
                  • 2001.04
                  • 4592

                  Następny kawałek "Pauper's Grave" opisuje, co staje się z człowiekiem, który przesadza ze spożywaniem alkoholu...

                  "I was drinkin' so much porter, my gutt
                  began to swell
                  Drinkin' so much porter, right off my
                  stool i fell
                  When the barman came to wake me,
                  'twas time tp pay his dues
                  For I began to vomit there upon his shiny

                  Fajne, co?

                  Może być gorzej.

                  "I was drinkin' so much whiskey, I
                  thought that I wad dead
                  Drinkin' so much whiskey, I even pissed
                  the bed"...

                  I jak zawsze na koniec morał!

                  "So have a pint of porter or Irish whiskey
                  For heaven's sake don't drink so much
                  you wake up in the street"...


                  • grzech
                    D(r)u(c)h nieuchwytny
                    • 2001.04
                    • 4592

                    Płyta powoli sie kończy i chłopcy stają się spokojniejsi, bardziej refleksyjni, choć temat przewodni się nie zmenia.

                    "We'll have one for the road before
                    we say goodnight
                    Before we go our separate ways into
                    the world outside
                    Get up off your ass and raise up your
                    We'll have one for the road"

                    Ostatnie słowa na płycie...

                    When the angels hear your dying call
                    And bring you to the gilded hall
                    Down on your knees there before the
                    I promise this, by boys, you'll never
                    drink alone".


                    • grzech
                      D(r)u(c)h nieuchwytny
                      • 2001.04
                      • 4592

                      No, to k... zamieść ten tekst.

                      Gadkę n. t. "Jake fajne te zespoły" zgłosiłem do przeniesienia.

                      Ten temat jest o tekstach piosenek!


                      • grzech
                        D(r)u(c)h nieuchwytny
                        • 2001.04
                        • 4592

                        Pierwotnie zamieszczone przez Użytkownika grzech
                        No, to k... zamieść ten tekst.

                        Gadkę n. t. "Jake fajne te zespoły" zgłosiłem do przeniesienia.

                        Ten temat jest o tekstach piosenek!
                        Dla niezorientowanych - ten pełen ekspresji post dotyczy rozmaitych dywagacji na temat samych zespołów punkowo-folkowych, które to rozważania przeniesiono do nowego tematu.


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